Extreme teambuilding training realized on flight simulator
But why on a flight simulator?
(Please read if you haven't already done so, and then come back here)
The basic training:
For 2-3 people flying with the small or large aircraft simulator or 4-8 people flying the large aircraft simulator
1 hour of familiarisation
1 hour simulation
2 hours of discussion
The training is a complete whole on its own, with countless variations, i.e. it can be absolutely customised to your needs. However, it can also be integrated as a module in almost any training process, as many different focuses can be defined, e.g. conflict management, communication, DISC, stress management, leadership types, etc.
What would these special situations be?
Who pilots the plane?
Your team including six to eight members is sitting on a plane, coming from a conference or going to one. You have just finished your lunch, and now you are spending your time with reading, talking or napping. For some reason you all chose the same food from the two possible menus and somehow all the other people on the plane chose the other one. Unfortunately this other menu had rotten parts. By the time you would realize this you are the only healthy ones left on board. Before losing her consciousness one of the stewardesses told you that all the pilots are unconscious, lying in the restrooms. The cockpit is empty. Here we are.
First of all are we able to raise the right questions?
Escape from the island
Your small team enjoys their time on a yacht which was provided by your rich company for two or three days as a bonus for your good work or making your negotiations more successful. What happens is that your yacht becomes unusable because of some kind of electronic fire, and now you are drifting helplessly on the sea to the shores of a little island. While the two member staff of the yacht is trying to repair at least the radio, you start to discover the island. It turns out that there is only a runway and a little old hut on it.
Before the hut there are some kerosene barrels and also there is a fuel pump. But what is most important there is an airplane standing on the runway which seems to be ready for fly. Except these the island is empty. There should not be any problem, we have plenty of time, but we discover a strict schedule from which we can figure out that the technicians have just left and the “drug dealer” team is going to arrive tomorrow morning with the hot-goods, obviously using the plane for delivery. In my opinion, if they find you there in the morning…
The question is whether we need to focus on the radio of the plane or the possibility of a take-off? What if the “bad men” arrive sooner than the help? Or we should focus on both, some dealing with one some with the other. What are the right questions anyway?
I won’t tell you twice
This is the case of limited information. Our wounded pilot comes round for a short time, when we can ask questions. But we can also imagine that unfortunately we lost our pilot, whereas fortunately we lost the terrorist too. We have a ruined radio with a bullet in it, sometimes working, sometimes not. In a situation like this what we need is appropriate and goal-oriented questions, then effective actions.
It is worth to notice that since the content of a cockpit is quite small, the functional sharing of the team is an absolute necessity. Can we choose the right people working in the cockpit as an action brigade or in the just as important background team, who do the brainstorming and documentation studies? Can we realize a possible incompetence and carry out the necessary replacements? Isn’t it a familiar situation considering the everyday management practice of a company?
Several more additional exercises an their variation can be worked out, which needs to be mentioned because in this way we can provide space for certain specifications, meaning the construction of situations best suitable for the particular company.
For whom we offer?
We think that these trainings mentioned above can be especially useful for middle and top managers because they develop such skills that are essential for the creation of a team which is goal-oriented, works effectively and supports and develops their workers.
At the location in South Buda, they created the surroundings of a real airport environment, practically from the moment of enter to get used to the upcoming experiences. In their place they can even create the circumstances of a camp, making the “Escape from the island” environment more realistic. Please visit their homepage.
János Geréb
electrical engineer, trainer
"aircraft simulator pilot"
+36 30 9211827